Search results for 'xunit'

Unit Testing C# File Access Code with System.IO.Abstractions It can be difficult  to write unit tests for code that accesses the file system. It’s pos Type: Post
Tags : c#, testing,, qa, .net
Mocking Framework for Windows Store apps (and Windows Phone) "With Windows Store apps there are challenges getting traditional mocking frameworks such as Rhino and Moq working due to limited reflection support in the platform (presumably for security reasons). I ..." Type: Post
Tags : tdd, windows 8, windows 8 apps, winrt, mocking, testing
You Can Watch All My Pluralsight Training Videos for Free This April "No credit card needed, sign up for free now and start watching all my Pluralsight training courses for free. Some suggestions: C# C# Attributes: Power and Flexibility for Your Code Working with Nul ..." Type: Post
Tags : pluralsight courses, personal development, profession, career development
Beyond the Compiler with ConventionTests "We often have conventions in our code. For example all DTOs/entity/etc. classes should be in a specific namespace, or the name of certain types of class should end with a given word. Another example, ..." Type: Post
Tags : conventiontests, teststack, c#, testing
C# Tips eBook 50% Complete "I just published a new version of my C# Tips eBook that marks the half way point of the project. C# Tips is available in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. The book is scheduled for completion by the end of the yea ..." Type: Post
Tags : writing, c# tips, c#
Business-Readable, Living Documentation with BDDfy "BDDfy enables the creation of tests that, in addition to verifying that the system works correctly, also results in business-readable, living documentation. Business-readable means that the tests are ..." Type: Post
Tags : teststack, bddfy, bdd, testing, qa
Testing ASP.Net MVC Controllers with FluentMVCTesting FluentMVCTesting facilitates the writing of tests against MVC controllers in a fluent way. FluentMVC Type: Post
Tags : teststack, fluentmvctesting, testing, qa,, mvc
50 Apps by Christmas: SilverKeys - Porting a Silverlight App to a Windows Store App "This article is part of the 50 Apps by Christmas series. I developed a Silverlight app a few years ago and I wanted to see how easy it would be to port to a Windows Store app. You can download free t ..." Type: Post
Tags : silverlight, windows 8 apps, windows 8, winrt, windows phone, 50appsbychristmas2013, portable class library, rhinomocks
Simplify and Reduce Test Code with AutoFixture AutoFixture is a library that you can use alongside your testing framework to reduce the amount of b Type: Post
Tags : testing, c#, .net, .net core, quality,, autofixture
Improving Test Code Readability and Assert Failure Messages with Shouldly Shouldly is an open source library that aims to improve the assert phase of tests; it does this in t Type: Post
Tags : c#, testing, qa, quality, open source
New Pluralsight Course - Introduction to .NET Testing with NUnit If you are just dipping your toe in the water when it comes to testing .NET applications it can be a Type: Post
Tags : nunit, testing, c#, pluralsight courses
Using AutoFixture To Generate Anonymous Test Data in Web UI Automation With BDDfy and Seleno I’m currently working on an AutoFixture Pluralsight course and it got me thinking about using Type: Post
Tags : testing, autofixture, bddfy, seleno, teststack, ui testing, web,, .net
New Pluralsight Course: Creating Automated Browser Tests with Selenium in C# My newest Pluralsight course was just published and you can start watching today. Selenium is a tool Type: Post
Tags : C#, selenium, testing, .net, profession, personal development
Testing ASP.NET Core Controllers in Isolation with Mock Objects and Moq In previous posts we saw how to get started testing ASP.NET Core MVC controllers and also how to use Type: Post
Tags : testing, .net core,, core, mocking
Mocking with FeatureToggle "I was asked a question on Twitter so I thought I’d write it up here. When using the FeatureToggle library you may have some some code that behaves differently if a toggle is enabled. When writing a te ..." Type: Post
Tags : mocking, testing, featuretoggle, c#
Testing Precompiled Azure Functions Overview Just because serverless allows us to quickly deploy value, it doesn’t mean that testing is now Type: Post
Tags : azure functions, azure, serverless, c#, .net
Testing for Thrown Exceptions in NUnit In a previous post, testing for thrown exceptions using was demonstrated. In this post we& Type: Post
Tags : nunit, testing, qa, c#
Testing for Thrown Exceptions in MSTest V2 In previous posts we looked at testing for thrown exceptions in and NUnit. In this post we Type: Post
Tags : mstest, testing, qa, c#
Azure Functions Continuous Deployment with Azure Pipelines: Part 1 - Overview This is the first part in a series demonstrating how to setup continuous deployment of an Azure Func Type: Post
Tags : funcpipeseries, azure, azuredevops, azure functions, c#
Azure Functions Continuous Deployment with Azure Pipelines: Part 3 - Creating an Initial Build Pipeline This is the third part in a series demonstrating how to setup continuous deployment of an Azure Func Type: Post
Tags : funcpipeseries, azure, azuredevops, azure functions, c#